We are here!!!! NAMM2020 !!!! Thank you.

Hi everyone,

I am still on East Coast time, so I am taking advantage of the relative quite…(our hotel is seeing fit to play disco on the P.A.)

It’s surreal. I am not sure I am quite here… though the palm trees are a good clue. I haven’t been to Southern California since I was last here with my parents in the 1970s for …. NAMM.

I’ve already met people that have been virtual friends for a while… and connected with my synth family.

I’ll be posting here as often as possible, and of course, on social media.

I have to thank the wonderful people that helped The Alan R. Foundation get here. Without you, we wouldn’t be here. Oh! we’ve already had one new donation and we haven’t even finished setting up the booth yet!

These acknowledgements—while they so pertain to the Foundation, they are most as well.:

Korg for being the first sponsor of the Foundation, getting us the booth, helping us promote and being tolerant of my incessant phone calls and emails.

  • Takumi Yamaguchi and Joe Castronovo as well as Bill, Joan Morgan, James, Mike and Nick

Everyone who contributed to the Fund Drive. Next week is all about shipping you your tees, stickers and getting your download info to you.


My Family:

Buena Pearlman for being the best mother and tolerating all this in a very challenging year. She is a strong, loving woman. I have been blessed with the best parents.

Michael and Jonathan Pearlman, The Alcalays, The Lorants, The Mandells, 

Ruperto Ifil for being there since this all started and putting up with boxes and boxes and boxes.

Natalie Werlin, Ruthie Platster, Deb Kaufman, Pamela Pentony, Dan Wilcox and Cynthia DelConte

The ARPostles: David Frederick, Tom Piggott, Michael Brigida, Bill Singer, Rick Parent, Jeremy Hill, Mary Lock, Barry Ober, Bruce Cichowlas


This year: 

Mark Marshall for video and website work and talking me off the ledge as NAMM approached.

Michelle Moog-Koussa for her patience and love with a fledgling bird.

David Mash for serene advice, lessons in diplomacy and networking aplomb.

Jennifer Hrouska for keeping the fire burning during a challenging time in her life as well.

Mary Lock for tireless dedication to helping me design and telling me the greatest stories

Rich Formidoni for being my spin-doctor!

Don Lewis for a cheerful warmth and sharing his talent!

Julie Lewis for jumping right in!!

EMEAPP: The Vinces, Drew et al! HUGE hugs!

David Baron for sharing his wonderful resources and cheery posts!

Lisa Bella Donna for her passion, generosity, dedication, and colorful language.

Cynthia Cherish Malaran for that Uber and inspiration!

Dan Del Fiorentino

Mark Vail for an awesome essay for our brochure!

Geary Yelton for a great article in Synth and Sofware!

Pete Townshend for caring and carrying the flame!

Nicola Joss for making it happen!

Larry and Phyllis Fast for sharing their connections and some memorable dinners!

Alex Ball for working so hard on a beautiful documentary. I can’t wait to see it!

Marc Doty for the details

Brian Kehew for filling in so many gaps from the West Coast

Mark Wilcox for the sliders!

Robert Dorschel for the video!

Don Slepian for jumping in and GREAT ideas


Micheal Bierylo

Dave Spiers

David Frederick Jr

Don Muro

Nathan Miller

Hayim Kobi

Thom Rhea

David Friend

Toni Gutiérrez

Lee Sebel

Phil and Linda Cirocco

Shep Shapiro

Ernesto Romeo

My online synth friends… (apologies if I didn’t name you, I am jet-lagged): Phillip Charles, Bill Richardson, Rod McQuarrie, Tony Gallagher, Sonido Sintético,  Palomo Julien, Phillip McCreary, Synth Matel, Rafa Saez, Peter Churchyard, Robert Gilliam, Fred Gianelli, Joe Grandbery and Jerry Lawrence!