NEW on BandCamp! Celebrating 50 Years of the ARP 2500

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Dear ARP Synthesizer Fans and Foundation Supporters.

We know you are saturated with social media, news, online communications while we are all trying to navigate this strange new world.

Last year, when my world changed after the death of my father, one of the first pieces of music I heard was the wonderful music by David Baron, composed on the 2500 “Goodbye Alan Robert Pearlman”.

cd cover with face of David Baron and Ashokan ReservoirLittle did I know that I would be one day meeting him (or indeed, that he lives 20 minutes from me) and playing on the same 2500 that made this wonderful piece.

He has been a staunch supporter of the Foundation all along, and today is no different. He has generously offered to have a CD worth of 2500 music available for download via BandCamp.

This collection, previously available only through the IndieGogo fundraiser, is available now through BandCamp.

Please consider purchasing this collection of ARP synthesizer music. All proceeds go to the Alan R. Pearlman Foundation, who in turn, have made it their mission to support musicians.

Thank you,

Stay safe, stay healthy and stay creative!

Dina Pearlman